Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

M12 Conversation Post

M12 Conversation Post

Q Paragraph 1 Choosing a Living Arrangement: Respond to all of these questions: Of all the living arrangements that you have learned about, which one(s) would you seek out later in life, assuming you have adequate financial resources and you were healthy and active? What might you consider if you were no longer able to live alone due to illness or disability? What are the reasons you might choose these options? Paragraph 2 Supporting "Aging in Place" Respond to this question: We talked earlier about what you might recommend to parents or grandparents who are “aging in place” in a home too large and expensive for them. If they insist in staying in their own home, even as their health declines, what services might you recommend them to support their “aging in place”?

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If everything went well and I was financially independent and healthy, I would choose to live in a metropolitan neighborhood, closer to my family and friends. As much as I want to live